FSL 472H1F

Reading and Writing Fiction and Non-Fiction in French


Marie-Anne Visoi


A fully online course designed for students who wish to further develop their reading comprehension and writing skills in French. Students will acquire analytic tools to comprehend, analyze and write fiction and non-fiction texts. Multimedia approach to understanding the cultural experiences of francophone world. 

Required Texts:

A selection of texts and multimedia resources will be available via Quercus.

Assignments and Evaluation:

Online Composition (30%), Online Reading Comprehension Test (30%), Online Final Test (Vocabulary and Grammar) (25%), Online Participation in forum sessions and Overall Assessment facilitated by Quercus collaboration tools (15%).

The Department takes into account the quality of students' French as one of the criteria in the evaluation of assignments and examinations. A minimum of 20% of the grade will be allocated to this aspect of written assignments.


FSL375H1 and 0.5 credit in FRE at the 200-level


FSL 421Y and higher