- Adrien Rannaud (co-directeur) (University of Toronto)
- Anne-José Villeneuve (co-directrice) (University of Alberta)
- Sarah Anthony, (Collège Carleton) membre du comité de rédaction
- Julia Galmiche, (University of Toronto) membre du comité de rédaction
- Alex Noel, (Université de Montréal) membre du comité de rédaction
- Joëlle Papillon (McMaster University) membre du comité de rédaction
- Sandrine Tailleur, (Université du Québec à Chicoutimi) membre du comité de rédaction
- Hannah Volland, (University of Toronto) Secrétaire de rédaction
- Emmanuel Nikiema (Chair of Committe)
- Sophia Bello (2024-2026)
- Michaël Friesner
- Dorothea Kullmann (2024-2026)
- Pascal Riendeau UTSC (Leave F)
- Lyn Tieu (2023-2025)
- Patrick Thériault
- Michaël Friesner (Co-Chair of Committee)
- Patrick Thériault (Co-Chair of Committee)
- Sophia Bello (2023-2025)
- Ewan Dunbar (2024-2025)
- Dorothea Kullmann (2024-2026)
- Pascal Riendeau UTSC (Leave F)
- Rosa Saverino
- SESDEF Literature (TBA)
- SESDEF Linguistics (TBA)
- Ewan Dunbar (2023-2025)
- Dorothea Kullmann (2023-2025) (Chair of committee)
- Andreas Motsch (2023-2025)
- Juvénal Ndayiragije (2023-2025)
- TBA (Graduate student representative)
Alternate members
- Barbara Havercroft (2023-2025)
- Adrien Rannaud (2023-2025)
- Jeffrey Steele (2023-2025)
- Lyn Tieu (2023-2025)
- TBA (Graduate student representative)
Procedures for Appeals
The student should consult with the Graduate Associate Chair, who will attempt to resolve the problem.
If no satisfactory resolution is found, the student should make a formal, written appeal addressed to the Graduate Associate Chair, who may then give it to the Graduate Department Academic Appeals Committee (GDAAC).
* Graduate students who want to appeal an academic decision, please reference the School of Graduate Studies website for GDAAC procedures.
- Patrick Thériault, Graduate Chair (Chair of committee)
- Ewan Dunbar (2021-2025)
- Barbara Havercroft
- Patrick Thériault, Associate Chair, Graduate (Chair of committee)
- Andreas Motsch
- Jeffrey Steele (2023-2025)