French for the Arts
K. Peric
Introduction to the study of central themes in French artistic expression, designed to familiarize students with key concepts and vocabularies relevant to the subject. Study of modes of artistic representation, (visual, performing arts) and their contribution to the rich heritage and identity of French culture. Observation, description and analysis of various artistic mediums.
Required Texts:
Assignments and Evaluation:
The Department takes into account the quality of students' French as one of the criteria in the evaluation of assignments and examinations. A minimum of 20% of the grade will be allocated to this aspect of written assignments.
FSL221Y1 (63%)/ FSL222H1 (63%). Students may also fulfill this prerequisite requirement based on the results of their French Placement Test.
FSL320H1, FSL321Y1, FSL322H1, FSL375H1, FSL375Y1, FSL 400-level courses