Sophia Bello
First Name:
Last Name:
Email :
Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream
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Office Location :
CR 316, St Michael's College
Biography :
Sophia Bello holds a PhD in French Linguistics from the University of Toronto. She has taught French as a Second Language (FSL) and French and English linguistics courses at various levels. Her main teaching and research interests are oriented towards applied linguistics and the pedagogy of FSL, more specifically the exploration of various active learning strategies and digital tools. Following the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) approach, she examines their effectiveness across courses and seeks to modify and (re)develop her teaching practice by valuing peer cooperation and learner autonomy.
PhDin French Linguistics, University of Toronto, 2017
MA in French Linguistics, Western University
HBSc in Psychology and French Linguistics, University of Toronto
People Type:
Research Area:
Areas of Interest:
- Active-learning instruction and course design
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Language Learning
- Community-Engaged Learning (CEL)
- Digital Pedagogy
- Experiential Learning (EL)
- Faculty techno-pedagogical development
- French language acquisition
- French language teaching
- Teaching & Learning of French as a Second Language