Marie-Anne Visoi
Marie-Anne Visoi is an Associate Professor, Teaching Stream at St. Michael’s College, University of Toronto. She has developed and taught courses on French Cultural Studies, Advanced French and Second Language Education, The Western Tradition, The 20th Century French Novel. Her pedagogical research has extended into the integration of culture in the second language curriculum and the development of oral and written proficiency through multimodal assessment and experiential learning. Her scholarly research interests also include textual criticism relating to world literature, reader-response theories, and cultural studies.
Peer Reviewer/Content Developer, World Languages Editorial Board, Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and On-line Teaching, California State University Center for Distributed Learning, April 2013-2023
French as a Second Language Search Committee Member: Assistant Professor Teaching Stream, Department of French, University of Toronto, October 2022
Probationary Review Committee Chair, Department of French, University of Toronto, September 2022
Executive Committee, Curriculum Committee, Language Committee Member, Department of French, University of Toronto, September-December 2022
PTR Committee Member, Department of French, University of Toronto, May 2022
Research Proposal Evaluator, Research Grants & Partnership Division, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), January 2022
Book Reviewer for Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, March 2022
Member of the Continuing Status Review Committee, Department of French, University of Toronto, 2021-2022
Book Reviewer for Canadian Scholars’ Press, February 2021
Book Reviewer for Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, January 2021
Member of the Continuing Status Review Committee, German Department, October 2020
Invited Panelist - Online Learning Academy: “Online Language Learning”, July 2020
Arts and Science Council Voting Member, University of Toronto, 2018-2019
Faculty Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Humanities Curriculum Committee Voting Member, University of Toronto, 2018-2019
Department of French Curriculum Committee, Co-Chair, 2018-2019
Department of French Language Committee, Chair, 2018-2019
Department of French Executive Committee Member, 2018-2019
Department of French Tri-Chair Committee Member, 2018-2019
Department of French Hiring Committee, 2018-2019
Coordinator, Canvas-based Online Learning Community for Undergraduate Students “Apprentissage expérientiel”, Department of French, 2018-2020
Coordinator, Experiential Learning Partnership Program for 4th year students, Department of French, 2018-2020
Coordinator, Canvas-based Hybrid Learning Community for Teaching Assistants, “Espace pédagogique” (face-to-face and online pedagogical training sessions for new and experienced teaching assistants and course instructors), Department of French, 2018-2020
Research Proposal Evaluator, Research Grants & Partnership Division, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) November 2017 - January 2018
"Blended and Online Teaching in the Humanities: Pedagogical Tools for Design and Implementation", Cambridge Scholars Press, April 2019, 189 pages.
“Transgression, Stylistic Variation and Narrative Discourse in the Twentieth Century Novel”, Cambridge Scholars’ Press, February 2014, 140 pages.
“A Thematic Approach to French Cultural Studies”, Universal Publishers, 2012, 106 pages.
“Strategies for Ensuring Quality Learning in Advanced French: an Action-Research Project on Blended Learning”, Journal of Teaching and Education, December 2016, 06(01):137–144
“Developing Second Language Proficiency through Communicative Teaching, E-Learning and Experiential Programs”, Journal of Teaching and Education, December 2012, 1(6): 371-378
“Méthodes et pratiques pour une évaluation efficace de la communication orale”, Le français dans le monde, Revue de la Fédération internationale des professeurs de français, 2012, 12 pages
“Contextualized Foreign Language Instruction: Effective Classroom Strategies: Blackboard-Based Virtual Learning”, International Journal for Academic Disciplines, October 2010, 11 pages
“Reading Nara’s Diary or the Deluding Strategies of the Implied Author in The Rift by V.Y. Mudimbe”, Cambridge Scholars, February, 2010, 16 pages
“Ovid and Calvino”; Genre 25, Interdisciplinary Journal of Literature and the Arts, Long Beach, California, 2006, 22 pages
“Parody in the Postmodernist Novel: If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler…,” Modern Languages Studies 27.3/4 (Fall 1997): 159-173
“Ana Balakian. The Snowflake on the Belfry: Dogma and Disquietude in the Critical arena.” in Literary research No. 25: Spring-Summer, 1996: 19-21
Literary Encyclopedia Chapters
“Assia Djebar, Biography”, The Literary Encyclopedia, 2009, 3 pages; updates and revisions, 2015
“Les enfants du nouveau monde, Assia Djebar”, The Literary Encyclopedia,
“Marguerite Duras, ‘The Lover’, The Literary Encyclopedia, 2011, 7 pages
Open access pedagogical materials: online learning materials, modules; student and TA guides
- FRE246H1S “Introduction to French Literary Analysis” (course content and online modules for a blended course format), Spring 2024
- FCS197H1F Open-access Course Guide and Course modules "Pleasure, Pain and Nostalgia in Belle Époque" (course content and online modules for a blended course format), Fall 2023
- FCS292H1S Open-access Course Guide and Course modules "Love, Sex and Desire in French Literature and Cinema" (revised and updated: orientation module, course content and module organization for easy navigation, interactive activities, evaluation, cultural terminology), Spring 2022
- FCS 197H1F "Pleasure, Pain and Nostalgia in Belle Époque" Course redesign from a fully online format to an in-person format, 2022
- FSL421Y “Advanced French” eManual, Part I and II; adapted/developed digital content for accessible use, 2021-22
- FSL472H Course modules (revised and updated: orientation module, course content and module organization for easy navigation, research module, interactive activities, evaluation, grammar self-correct quizzes, integration of an experiential learning component), Fall 2019
- FCS292H Open-access Course Guide and Course modules "Love, Sex and Desire in French Literature and Cinema" (revised and updated: orientation module, course content and module organization for easy navigation, interactive activities, evaluation, cultural terminology for accelerated format), summer 2019
- 2019-2020 Undergraduate Student Guide (20 pages)
- 2019-2020 Guide d'enseignement (22 pages)
- French online teaching and learning materials, Peer Reviewer for World Language Editorial Board Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and On-line Teaching, California State University Center for Distributed Learning, since 2014
The Twenty-second International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, “A Humanistic Approach to Teaching French Online”, Sapienza University of Rome, June 26-28, Rome, Italy (IN-PERSON ORAL PRESENTATION)
The 17th Edition of Pixel International Conference, The Future of Education, “Teaching the Classics: Promoting Intercultural Collaboration in Asynchronous Humanities Courses”, Florence, Italy, June 20-21, 2024 (IN-PERSON ORAL PRESENTATION)
Fifty-fifth Annual Convention Northeast Modern Language Association, “L2 Classroom Design for Enhanced Participation”, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, March 7-10, 2024 (IN-PERSON ORAL PRESENTATION)
The 16th Edition of Pixel International Conference, Innovation in Language Learning, “Hybrid Techniques for Teaching Grammar in Context in the Second Language Classroom”, Florence, Italy, November 9-10, 2023 (ONLINE PAPER PRESENTATION)
The Twenty-first International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, “Instructional Relevance and Authentic Assessment in the Second-Language Classroom”, Sorbonne Université, Faculté des Lettres, Paris, France, June 28-30, 2023
Sixteenth International Conference on e-Learning & Innovative Pedagogies, “Promoting Cross-Cultural Communication and Student Autonomy in French Cultural Studies Courses”, University of Malta, Valletta Campus, Malta, April 13-14, 2023
2022 Cultures and Languages Across the Curriculum (CLAC) Conference, “Exploring Authentic Socio-cultural Contexts in the Second Language Classroom”, with Dr. Rosa Saverino, Central New York CLAC Working Group, December 2-3, 2022
The Twentieth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, “Pedagogical Considerations and Evidence-based Practice for Improved Oral Proficiency in Intermediate-level French”, University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece, 20-22 June 20-22, 2022
53rd NeMLA Annual Convention, “The Making of a Vampire: Folkloric Beliefs and Heteroglossia in Eliade’s Miss Christina”, Baltimore, Maryland, USA March 10-13, 2022
PAMLA (Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association) Conference in Las Vegas and Online, “Writing about Film: Asynchronous Discussions and Formative Assessment in Online French Cultural Studies Courses” November 11-14, 2021
Nineteenth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, “Dialogic Teaching - Strategies for Developing Oral and Written Skills in Online French as a Second Language Courses”, Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 30 June-2 July 2021
American Canadian Conference for Academic Disciplines, “Best Practices for Promoting Academic Honesty in Online Cultural Studies Courses”, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada, 11-14 June 2019
International Conference for Education (IJAS), “Strategies for improving teaching practices in the FSL classroom: a blended approach to professional development”, University of London, London, UK November 6-9, 2018
Sixteenth International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, “Embedded Stories and Post-modernist Devices in Margaret Atwood's The Blind Assassin” University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA 5-7 July 2018
49th annual NeMLA Annual Convention, “Freedom and Control in the Foreign-language Classroom”, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA April 12 - 15, 2018
Annual Multidisciplinary Conference, “Community-engaged Learning and Cultural Diversity: Teaching and Assessing Intercultural Competence and Advanced Language Skills in Online French”, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada, 5-8 June 2017
48th NeMLA Annual Convention, "Course Design and Social Presence in Humanities Online Courses: Instructional Strategies for Student Engagement", Baltimore, MA USA March 23-26 2017
International Journal of Arts & Sciences’ (IJAS), "Flipping the French Classroom: Metacognitive Strategies for Effective Reading and Writing skills" Freiburg University, Germany, 29 November to 2 December 2016
Annual Multidisciplinary Conference, "Designing and Teaching a French Language Advanced Level Course in a Hybrid Format: Strategies for Ensuring Quality Learning", Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada 31 May-3 June 2016
International Journal of Arts & Sciences’ (IJAS) International Conference for Social Sciences and Humanities, "Online Formative Assessment Tools In The Humanities: Promoting Higher Level Thinking Through The Integration Of a Discussion Board In A French Cultural Studies Course", FHWien University of Applied Sciences of WKW Vienna, Austria, April 17-21, 2016
American Canadian Conference for Academic Disciplines, "Removing Barriers to Learning: Pedagogic Design Tools for Online Courses in the Humanities", Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada May 18, 2015
International Conference for Teaching and Education, “Creative Writing in the Foreign Language Classroom” FHWien University of Applied Sciences of WKW Vienna, Austria April 19-23, 2015
International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities, “Teaching Culture: Inclusive Curriculum Design, Content and Context”, Universidad CEU San Pablo, Madrid, Spain, 11-13 June 2014
International Journal of Arts and Sciences Multidisciplinary Conference: “A Canadian Perspective on Blended Learning: hybrid instructional strategies and their effect on student learning in an advanced level French course”, FHWien University of Applied Sciences of WKW Vienna, Austria April 6-10, 2014
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters Annual Conference (French and Italian Literature): “Horizon d’attente et tension narrative dans L’Étranger de Camus”, Hope College, Holland, Michigan, March 21-22, 2013
International Journal of Arts and Sciences Annual Conference: “The Role of Digital Grammar in Advanced French: Self-monitoring Strategies to Develop Independent Learners”, Gottenheim, Germany, December 2-7, 2012
International Journal of Arts and Sciences Annual Conference in Rome “Focus on Student Performance: Effective Testing Practices in French as a Second Language Intermediate and Advanced Programs” American University, Rome, Italy 29, October-1 November, 2012
Second IJAS Conference at Cambridge, Massachusetts, Harvard University, “Making Connections: Instructional Models for Developing Foreign Language Proficiency in Higher Education through Communicative Teaching, E-learning and Experiential Programs” May 30th-June 2nd, 2011
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters Annual Conference (French Literature): “L’alternance des registres chez De Laclos”, Saginaw Valley State University, March 11, 2011
Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Toronto Study Languages Conference 2010 “Mysticism and Sensuality in Zola’s Nana”, University of Toronto, December 9, 2010
International Journal for Academic Disciplines Austria Conference, Bad Hofgastein, “A Thematic Approach to French Cultural Studies”, May 31, 2010
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters Annual Conference (French Literature): “La rhétorique du désir dans L’Amant de Marguerite Duras”, Calvin College, March 26, 2010
Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Toronto Gifted Conference, “New Novel Techniques and Murder Mystery Conventions in Alain Robbe-Grillet's Le Voyeur”, University of Toronto, February 18, 2010
Classroom-based Training and Pedagogical Research for First Year Teaching Assistants”, Gottenheim, Germany, November 9-13, 2009
National Conference for Academic Disciplines: “Curriculum Renewal Initiatives: Language Communities and Experiential Learning in Second Language Education”, Suffolk University, Boston, June 22-25, 2009
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters Annual Conference (French Literature): “Dialogisme et créativité dans le roman Les enfants du nouveau monde d’Assia Djebar ”, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, March 20, 2009
Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Toronto Gifted Conference “Virtue, Tragic Passion and Upper-class Excess in De Laclos’s Dangerous Liaisons”, University of Toronto, February 19, 2009
U of T Conference Teaching and Learning Outside the Classroom, “Developing Skills for a Global Society: Acquiring Foreign Language Proficiency through Internships and Study/Work Abroad Programs” Hart House, University of Toronto, October 3, 2008
International Symposium, “Connecting to Electronic Pedagogy: A Cultural Model for Teaching Great Books”, Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique Charles Perrault, Fédération Internationale des Langues et Littératures, Lyon, France, July 9-11, 2008
International Conference “Generic Instability and Identity in the Contemporary Novel”: “Reading Nara’s Diary or the Deluding Strategies of the Implied Author in The Rift by V.Y. Mudimbe”, Université d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse, France, 29-30th May, 2008
Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Toronto Gifted Conference “Memory and Desire in the 20th century French Novel: Marcel Proust’s Remembrance of Things Past and Marguerite Duras’s The Lover”, University of Toronto, February 20, 2007
The 41st Annual Comparative Literature Conference “Ancient and Moderns: Intersections, Interactions, and Interstices”: “The Art of Storytelling: Ovid and Calvino”, California State University, Long Beach, California, March 9-11, 2006
University of Toronto Conference on Scholarship, Leadership and Innovation “Responding to a Culturally Diverse Student Community: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Second-language Teaching and Learning at the Undergraduate Level”, St. Michael’s College, University of Toronto, April 28 and 29, 2006
Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters Annual Conference (French Language and Literature Panel) “L’étranger: mémoire ou monologue?”, University of Michigan, March 4-5, 2005
Workshop Presentations
French Teaching Assistants' Workshops, Department of French Fall Orientation, University of Toronto, September 2023
French Teaching Assistants' Workshops, Department of French Fall Orientation, University of Toronto, September 2021-2022
French Teaching Assistants' Workshops, Department of French Fall Orientation, University of Toronto, September 2020
Monthly Workshops, Department of French, University of Toronto, September - December 2019
French Teaching Assistants' Workshops, Department of French, University of Toronto, January 2018 - April 2019
Teaching and Learning Community of Practice Workshop: "Hybrid Courses and Learning", University of Toronto, March 7, 2016
Second Language Learning and Teaching Community, Workshop 3 - "Pathways to culture: Integrating experiential learning and culture-based research in the second language curriculum", November 6, 2015 (invited presentation)
Centre for Teaching Support and Innovation Workshop: "Deepening Your Teaching Practice: Integrating Teaching and Research", University of Toronto, October 5, 2015 (invited presentation)
Department of French, University of Toronto, "L'enseignement en ligne - implications pédagogiques", University of Toronto, June 16, 2015
Department of French, University of Toronto, Contribution to Dr. Paray's course FRE 250H, Workshop Presentation, “La quête d’identité dans L’Amant de Marguerite Duras", March 19, 2015
Department of French, University of Toronto, Teacher Training Programme, Workshop Presentation, “Enseigner la lecture en fls”, November 19 , 2014.
Department of French, University of Toronto, Teacher Training Programme, Workshop Presentation, “Pistes pédagogiques pour enseigner la lecture en fls”, March 21, 2012
Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Toronto Study Languages Conference 2009 “French in Context: Language and Culture through Cinema”, University of Toronto, December 8, 2009
Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Knowledge and Its Communities Conference: “Une nouvelle culture de l’apprentissage pour les diplômés bilingues: les programmes de partenariat”, Victoria College, University of Toronto, June 14-17, 2006
Faculty of Arts and Science, University of Toronto Year of Languages Conference “Reading and Interpreting Tales of the Supernatural from 19th Century France”, University of Toronto, December 1, 2006
Dean’s Merit Award and Dean’s 5% Merit Excellence Award reward faculty who have demonstrated that they are leaders in their field or who have made an outstanding contribution.
2019 Dean’s 5% Merit Excellence Award
2018 Dean’s Merit Award
2017 Dean’s Merit Award
People Type:
Research Area:
Pedagogical Research
Blended teaching and multimodal learning in French: development and integration of online instructional tools in Advanced-level French Language and French Cultural Studies courses
Assessment and evaluation in second language teaching (FSL and ESL): diversity issues, access, and equity; modalities of authentic assessment
Other Research Interests
- French Cultural Studies: thematic approaches to French cultural studies
- Literary Theory: narratology and reader-response criticism
- Twentieth Century Novel
- Canadian Novel
- Film Stylistics
Teaching Research Awards and Grants
eCampus Ontario Research and Innovation Grants, “Data Driven Design - Innovation Network Project” Lead Instructor French (Project Director: Laurie Harrison), April 2017—June 2018 $17,500
Online Undergraduate Course Initiative Funding, University of Toronto, Online Course Development for FSL472H1S Reading and Writing Fiction and Non-fiction in French, March 2016 - April 2017 - March $12,000
Online Undergraduate Course Initiative Funding, University of Toronto, Online Course Development for FCS 292H1S Love, Sex and Desire in French Literature and Cinema, March 2014-June 2015 $12,000
Fund for Online Innovations in Learning, University of Toronto (FOIL), Developing Linguistic Proficiency, Cultural Competence and Peer Interaction through Blended Teaching and Multimodal Learning Experiences in French, May 2013-June 2014 $35,450
Curriculum Renewal Initiative Fund, University of Toronto, Experiential Learning in French for Arts and Science Undergraduate Students, in collaboration with Dr. D. Issa-Sayegh, April 2010-April 2011 $15,000
List of Courses
Current courses taught:
- FSL420HF; FSL 420HS Advanced French
- FSL472H Reading and Writing Fiction and Non-fiction in French (online asynchronous)
- FRE246H1S Introduction to French Literary Analysis
- FCS197H1F Pleasure, Pain and Nostalgia in Belle Époque (taught in English)
- FCS292H; FCS292H1S Love, Sex and Desire in French Literature and Cinema (online asynchronous; taught in English)
Other courses taught:
- FSL315H French Oral Communication for Professional and Academic Context
- FSL421Y Advanced French
- FSL431Y Practical French II
- FSL461Y Practical French III
- FSL473H1S Oral French in Context
- FRE 384H1F Teaching French as a Second Language
- FRE 326H1 Contemporary French Literature
- FRE 225Y Second Language Teaching and Learning
Courses Held in English:
- JEF 100 Great Books of the Western Tradition
- JFI225Y Second Language Teaching and Learning