Fatima Hamlaoui
Publications in peer-reviewed journals
- Hamlaoui, Fatima, Marzena Zygis, Jonas Engelmann and Sergio Quiros. 2022. Prosodic transfer in contact varieties: Vocative calls in Metropolitan and Basaa-Cameroonian French. In I. Mennen and L. Colantoni (eds.), Special Issue: The effects of cross-language differences on bilingual production and/or perception of sentence-level intonation. Languages 7(4), 285.
- Hamlaoui, Fatima, Jonas Engelmann and Kriszta Eszter Szendrői. 2021. Prosodic marking of focus and givenness in Kinyarwanda and Rwandan English. In S. J. Lee, C. Patin and K. Riedel (eds), Stellenbosch Papers in Linguistics Plus 62, Crossing Boundaries: A Festschrift to Laura Downing.
- Hamlaoui, Fatima & Laurent Roussarie. 2018. From #[Je]F suis Charlie to #JeSuisCharlie: On the semantics and information structure of a French empathic copular sentence. Studies in Language 42(2): 369-388.
- Hamlaoui, Fatima, Marzena Zygis, Jonas Engelmann & Michael Wagner. 2018. Acoustic correlates of focus marking in Czech and Polish. In collaboration with Marzena Zygis, Jonas Engelmann and Michael Wagner. Language and Speech 62 (2): 358-377.
- Hamlaoui, Fatima & Kriszta Szendroi. 2017. The syntax-phonology mapping of intonational phrases in complex sentences: a flexible approach. In collaboration with Kriszta Szendrői. In L. Eby Clemens & E. Elfner (eds.), Special Collection: Prosody & Constituent Structure. Glossa 2(1):55.
- Adda, Gilles, Sebastian Stüker, Martine Adda-Decker, Odette Ambouroue, Laurent Besacier, David Blachon, Hélène Bonneau-Maynard, Pierre Godard, Fatima Hamlaoui, Dmitry Idiatov, Guy-Noël Kouarata, Lori Lamel, Emmanuel-Moselly Makasso, Annie Rialland, Mark van de Velde, François Yvon, Sabine Zerbian. 2016. Breaking the Unwritten Language Barrrier: The BULB project. Procedia Computer Science 81: 8--14. [Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Spoken Language Technologies for Under-Resourced Languages]
- Hamlaoui, Fatima & Kriszta Szendroi. 2015. A flexible approach to the mapping of intonational phrases. In E. Selkirk & S. J. Lee (eds.), Special Issue: Constituency in sentence phonology. Phonology 32.1: 79-110.
- Hamlaoui, Fatima & Emmanuel-Moselly Makasso. 2015. Focus marking and the unavailability of inversion structures in the Bantu language Bàsàa (A43). Lingua 154: 35-64
- Hamlaoui, Fatima. 2011. On the role of phonology and discourse in Francilian French wh-questions. Journal of Linguistics 47: 129-162.
- Hamlaoui, Fatima. 2010. Anti-givenness, prosodic structure and "intervention effects". In M. Baltazani, N. Topintzi and T. Tsangalidis (eds.), Special issue: Mapping Asymmetries.The Linguistic Review 27(3): 347-364.
Book chapters
Hamlaoui, Fatima and Kriszta Eszter Szendrői. accepted (under revision). Syntax and information structure. In S. Barbiers, N. Corver and M. Polinsky (eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Comparative Syntax. Cambridge: CUP.
Hamlaoui, Fatima and Kriszta Eszter Szendrői. accepted. Prosody and syntax of argument and adverbial clauses. In A. Benz, W. Frey, M. Krifka, T. McFadden and M. Zygis (eds.), Handbook of Clausal Embedding. Berlin: LSP.
Hamlaoui, Fatima. in press. On subject inversion in Proto-Bantu relative clauses. In K. Bostoen, R. Guérois, S. Pacchiarotti and G.-M. de Schryver (eds.), On reconstructing Proto-Bantu grammar. Berlin: LSP.
Hamlaoui, Fatima. Inversion constructions. In E. Hurst, N. Kula, L. Marten and J. Zeller (eds.) The Oxford Guide to the Bantu Languages. Oxford: OUP.
Hamlaoui, Fatima and Kriszta Eszter Szendrői. in press. Topic and focus marking on determiners. In S. Armoskaite and M. Wiltschko (eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Determiners. Oxford: OUP.
Makasso, Emmanuel-Moselly, Fatima Hamlaoui and Seunghun J. Lee. 2016. Aspects of the intonational phonology of Bàsàá. In L. Downing & A. Rialland (eds.), Intonation in African Tone Languages, pp167-194. Berlin: de Gruyter.
- Hamlaoui, Fatima & Manfred Krifka. 2016. Je suis Charlie -- Ein Lehrstück für die Informationsstruktur. Das Forschungsjahr 2015. Geisteswissenschaftliche Zentren Berlin. 99-105.
Conference proceedings & working papers
- Hamlaoui, Fatima, Milena Injac & Emmanuel-Moselly Makasso. 2020. La réalisation du /r/ en Afrique Centrale : une première exploration du français des locuteurs basaaphones (Cameroun). Actes du 7eCongrès Mondial de Linguistique Française (CMLF). EDP Sciences.
- Hamlaoui, Fatima and Emmanuel-Moselly Makasso. 2019. Downstep and recursive phonological phrases in Bàsàa (Bantu A43). Proceedings of the 47th Annual Congress of African Linguistics (ACAL 47). Berlin: LSP.
- Vetter, Marco, Markus Müller, Fatima Hamlaoui, Graham Neubig, Satoshi Nakamura, Sebastian Stüker and Alex Waibel. 2016. Unsupervised phoneme segmentation of previously unseen languages. Proceedings of Interspeech 2016.
- Franke, Jörg, Markus Müller, Fatima Hamlaoui, Sebastian Stüker and Alex Waibel. 2016. Phoneme boundary detection using deep bidirectional LSTMs. 12th ITG conference on speech communication.
- Stüker, Sebastian, Gilles Adda, Martine Adda-Decker, Odette Ambouroue, Laurent Besacier, David Blachon, Hélène Bonneau-Maynard, Pierre Godard, Fatima Hamlaoui, Dmitry Idiatov, Guy-Noël Kouarata, Lori Lamel, Emmanuel-Moselly Makasso, Annie Rialland, Mark van de Velde, François Yvon, Sabine Zerbian. 2016. Innovative Technologies for Under-Resourced Language Documentation: The BULB project. 2nd Workshop on Collaboration and Computing for Under-Resourced Languages: `Towards an Alliance for Digital Language Diversity'.
- Hamlaoui, Fatima & Laurent Roussarie. 2015. #Je suis Charlie. Semantic and prosodic anatomy of an empathic copular sentence. ZASPiL 58: 1-15.
- Hamlaoui, Fatima, Marzena Zygis, Jonas Engelmann and Michael Wagner. 2015. Acoustic correlates of focus marking in Polish. Proceedings of the International Congress of Phonetic Sciences.
- Hamlaoui, Fatima. 2014. A note on bare-passives in (selected) Bantu and Western Nilotic languages. Proceedings of the workshop BantuSynPhonIS: Preverbal Domain(s). ZASPiL 57: 160-182.
- Embanga Aborobongui, Martial, Fatima Hamlaoui and Annie Rialland. 2014. Syntactic and prosodic aspects of left and right dislocation in Embosi (Bantu C25). Proceedings of the workshop BantuSynPhonIS: Preverbal Domain(s). ZASPiL 57: 26-48.
- Hamlaoui, Fatima, Siri Gjersoe and Emmanuel-Moselly Makasso. 2014. High tone spreading and phonological phrases in Bàsàa. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages.
- Hamlaoui, Fatima, Sascha Coridun & Caroline Féry. 2012. Expression prosodique du focus et du donné au sein des groupes nominaux [N A] du français. In F. Neveu, V. Muni Toke, P. Blumenthal, T. Klinger, P. Ligas, S. Prévost and S. Teson-Bonnard (eds.), Actes du 3e Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française, 1505-1518. EDP Sciences.
- Hamlaoui, Fatima & Emmanuel-Moselly Makasso. 2011. Bàsàa wh-questions and prosodic structure. In L. Downing (ed.), Questions in Bantu Lanugages: prosodies and positions (ZASPiL 55).
- Embanga Aborobongui, Martial, Jean-Marc Beltzung, Fatima Hamlaoui & Annie Rialland. 2011. Questions partielles en embosi. In L. Downing (ed.), Questions in Bantu Lanugages: prosodies and positions (ZASPiL 55).
- Hamlaoui, Fatima. 2010. A prosodic study of wh-questions in French natural discourse. Proceedings of the LangUE2009.
- Hamlaoui, Fatima. 2010. La structure de l'information et la prosodie dans les questions partielles: une analyse contrastive du français démotique et du français classique tardif.
- Hamlaoui, Fatima. 2008. Focus, contrast, and the syntax-phonology interface: the case of French cleft-sentences. Collection of the papers selected from the 18th International Congress of Linguists (CIL18). Seoul, Linguistic Society of Korea.
- Hamlaoui, Fatima. 2007. French cleft-sentence and the syntax-phonology interface. Proceedings of the 2007 conference of the Canadian Linguistic Association.
People Type:
Research Area:
- Théorie linguistique
- Structure informationnelle
- Interface syntaxe-phonologie
- Prosodie
- Intégration des nouvelles technologies dans la documentation des langues non-écrites
- Français de France et d'Afrique
- Langues bantoues